Thank you for sharing this @MattBateman. As a Virtual Guide, this is a concept we witness more often than you'd like to think. The cadence of humility we learn to develop in a virtual setting makes us realize this position isn't restricted to educating the child; yet, the Parent alike. Very interesting turn in Montessori education--yet I adore it because we get to show our families though Montessori materials are necessary for an authentic Montessori classroom, you can have a Montessori home and raise your child in a Montessori way without expensive products. The end goal is to encourage children to be independent, so we can help them to do things for themselves.

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Oh man. I'm pretty sure I would have instinctively intervened in *every situation* that you posted. It's a real challenge for me to let my daughter (who is almost 5 years old) struggle with something without stepping in to try to help or fix it for her -- I don't even think about the fact that I'm doing it. I definitely see the value in the approach you're taking. I know for sure I'd need some help to get there!

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