Another important frame for “conscious knowledge” is metacognition, which has been shown to be linked to achievement as well as positive self-image. So, the more we can equip and empower children to reflect and document, the better. We use the word “research” with our 2-5yos at Playhood when talking about their play and they record a voice note debrief using WhatsApp to their parents at the end of the week to tell them about what they’ve been doing, to cite a few effective strategies. Conferencing and visual tracking of progress are others.

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Very interesting article! It is proved scientifically that we use only 20 percent of our brains till we die. People who challenge themselves mentally may be a bit more. Human mind can reach infinity if it is challenged enough. Enlightened souls like Maria Montessori was aware of this possibility hence she strived to start this process of challenging the brain starting from infancy itself. I totally relate to this article. Beautiful expression!

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